Beruanglaut Sos Fomt


Story of Season: Friends of Mineral Town Adalah Game yang dibuat oleh Marvelous dan dipublish secara Global oleh Xseed. Game ini merupakan remake dari Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town pada konsol GBA.

Story of Season: Friends of Mineral Town merupakan versi Remake dari Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town. Kenapa tidak pakai nama Harvest Moon? Karena hak merk tersebut dipegang oleh Natsume, dan saat ini mereka tidak punya hubungan apa-apa lagi, jadi mau tidak mau versi remake dari Harvest Moon sekarang menggunakan nama Story of Season dan franchise nya sudah berbeda.

Sama seperti versi terdahulunya, Story of Season Friends of Mineral Town mengambil latar di Kota Mineral, kamu diminta untuk mewarisi kebun milik Kakekmu dan mengembangkannya agar dapat kembali seperti saat-saat masa jayanya.

Pada seri Story of Season ini kamu bisa menikah, dengan beberapa kandidat diantaranya:

Seri ini memiliki beberapa perbedaan dengan yang di GBA, diantaranya:

Story of Season Friends of Mineral Town Bahasa Indonesia adalah terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia yang sedang saya kerjakan bersama dengan Rioscar. Awalnya saya ingin menghentikan pengerjaannya karena terkendala sebuah masalah, tapi setelah dibantu bang GIL_UNX (Lagi) masalahnya teratasi, jadi saya sangat berterima kasih pada beliau, hehe.

Tested on: PC (Tani Only), dan Nintendo Switch. Selain itu saya gatau, silahkan riset sendiri.

Update 0.1:Detail Update:

Update 0.2:Detail Update:

Update 1.0:Detail Update:

Update 1.01 Hotfix:Detail Update:

Donasi seikhlasnya agar atmint semangat dan pengerjaan makin cepat, di sini.Suskrep channel Rioscar biar orangnya semangat di sini

Pengguna Skyline (Baca Catatan Penting!!!)

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Belum Tersedia Belum Tersedia

Multi Host 1 Belum Tersedia



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Di model iPhone yang menjalankan iOS 18, Anda dapat mengunduh app Dukungan Apple versi terbaru untuk menjalankan diagnostik tambahan yang dapat membantu menemukan sumber masalah perangkat Anda.

Jika terdapat pesan SOS atau “SOS saja” di bar status, berarti perangkat tidak terhubung ke jaringan seluler, tetapi Anda masih dapat melakukan panggilan darurat melalui jaringan operator lain. Fitur ini tersedia di Australia, Kanada, dan Amerika Serikat.

Pelajari penggunaan Darurat SOS di iPhone.

Jika jaringan seluler Anda tersedia, Anda mungkin dapat menghubungkannya kembali dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah ini:

Nyalakan Mode Pesawat setidaknya selama 15 detik.

Matikan Mode Pesawat.

Mulai ulang perangkat Anda. Jika tidak mengetahui caranya, ikuti langkah-langkah ini untuk memulai ulang iPhone atau memulai ulang iPad.

Masalah pada operator atau akun dapat memengaruhi layanan Anda. Hubungi operator untuk:

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Pastikan perangkat Anda tidak diblokir atau dilarang menerima layanan seluler dan dikonfigurasi dengan paket data yang benar.

Tanyakan apakah pemerintah daerah Anda mewajibkan registrasi IMEI untuk menggunakan iPhone yang awalnya dibeli di luar negara atau wilayah Anda.

Hanya operator nirkabel Anda yang dapat mengakses dan mengelola detail mengenai akun Anda:

Perbarui iPhone atau iPad ke iOS atau iPadOS versi terbaru.

Untuk memeriksa dan menginstal pembaruan pengaturan operator secara manual:

Pastikan perangkat tersambung ke Wi-Fi.

Buka Pengaturan > Umum > Mengenai. Jika pembaruan tersedia, Anda akan melihat pilihan untuk memperbarui pengaturan operator.

Untuk melihat versi pengaturan operator di perangkat, ketuk Pengaturan > Umum > Mengenai, lalu lihat di samping Operator.

Jika memasukkan kartu SIM baru ke iPhone atau iPad, Anda harus mengunduh pengaturan operator untuk operator baru.

Jika Anda memiliki iPhone dengan Dual SIM, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

Ketuk Seluler dan ketuk saluran seluler yang ingin ditinjau, lalu periksa untuk melihat apakah sudah dinyalakan.

Jika saluran seluler mati, nyalakan kembali. Setelah itu, pastikan layanan seluler tersebut dapat menjangkau Anda.

Jika saluran seluler tidak terlihat, hubungi operator Anda untuk menyiapkan eSIM atau masukkan kartu SIM fisik. Jika Anda menggunakan kartu SIM fisik, lepaskan kartu SIM dan masukkan kembali.

Jika kartu SIM Anda rusak, tidak muat di baki SIM, atau Anda telah memindahkan kartu SIM fisik dari perangkat lain, mintakan kartu SIM baru dari operator.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cara mengeluarkan kartu SIM iPhone atau kartu SIM iPad.

Jika Anda bepergian ke luar negeri, pastikan perangkat diatur untuk roaming data.

Buka Pengaturan, lalu ketuk Data Seluler. Lalu:

Jika perangkat Anda menggunakan satu kartu SIM atau eSIM, nyalakan Data Seluler, lalu ketuk Pilihan Data Seluler.

Jika perangkat menggunakan Dual SIM atau Dual eSIM, nyalakan Data Seluler, ketuk nomor yang ingin Anda ubah, lalu ketuk Pilihan Data Seluler.

Lalu, nyalakan Roaming Data.

Jika Anda melihat Tiada Layanan di bar status perangkat dan Anda menggunakan iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, atau versi yang lebih lama, atau iPad 2 (Wi-Fi + Cellular) atau versi yang lebih lama, hubungi operator Anda untuk mendiskusikan pilihan Anda. Jika Anda memiliki iPhone 6 atau versi lebih baru atau iPad (generasi ke-3) atau versi lebih baru, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

Perbarui iPhone atau iPad ke iOS atau iPadOS versi terbaru.

Buka Pengaturan > Seluler. Lalu:

Untuk iPhone, ketuk Pilihan Data Seluler, lalu nyalakan Aktifkan LTE.

Untuk iPad, nyalakan LTE.

Jika Anda masih melihat Tidak Ada Layanan setelah mengikuti langkah-langkah ini, hubungi operator Anda.

Perangkat iPhone dan iPad yang mendukung jaringan 5G tidak terpengaruh oleh penghentian bertahap jaringan 3G.

Jika Anda melihat peringatan di sebelah Tidak Ada Layanan, pelajari tindakan yang dapat dilakukan.

Jika operator Anda mengonfirmasi bahwa tidak ada masalah dengan akun atau jaringan Anda dan ada dugaan masalah perangkat keras, Anda mungkin memerlukan servis. Dapatkan servis.

Tanggal Dipublikasikan: 27 September 2024


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Pengguna Egg NS (Translated by Rioscar)

Pengguna Steam Deck (Credit JayTV)



Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life Bahasa Indonesia

Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life Bahasa Indonesia

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When one hears the name “Sloth bear” for the first time, it can be quite puzzling to imagine what this animal looks like. The picture that perhaps comes to mind is that of a Sloth, an arboreal mammal known for spending most of its life hanging upside down from a tree and chewing its food at an incredibly slow pace. You might also have seen the hilarious portrayal of this mammal depicted in the popular animated movie Zootopia. In reality, this Sloth is actually quite different from the Sloth bear, which is the topic of our account today. It was in 1791 that European zoologist George Shaw came across this bear and may have misunderstood its characteristics to be more akin to that of a Sloth’s as opposed to a bear’s, hence giving it the name “bear sloth”.

Not only that, when it came to the Latin-based binomial classification of these animals (genus), he placed this bear in the same family under which Sloths are classified, called Bradypodidae, as opposed to Ursidae, the bear family. After many changes along the way, the scientific name of Sloth bears was finally corrected from Bradypus ursinus to become Melursus ursinus. Its common name, however, was only inverted to what we call the bear today: Sloth bear.

Sloth bears are one of the eight bear species found across the world, and they mainly inhabit the region of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and presumably Bhutan. They have long, shaggy dark brown or black fur and curved claws, which are the longest out of any of the bear species. Long claws were another reason that made Shaw assume that these bears were a part of the Sloth family. However, unlike Sloths, these bears use their claws for digging rather than an aid to hang on trees.

Sloth Bear Or Black Bear?

The appearance of this bear is quite similar to that of the Asiatic Black bear, making it difficult for the untrained eye to spot the difference. This is the reason why many hadn’t noticed the gradual disappearance of the Sloth bear from Bangladesh; the presence of the Black bears veiled the Sloth bears’ disappearance.

There are a few differences, though, that one can look out for. While Sloth bears have shaggy fur, Black bears tend to have smoother and shorter fur. Black bears also have more rounded ears (similar to that of Mickey Mouse) while Sloth bears have long, unruly hair on their ears.

The food choices of a Sloth bear are also one that might surprise you! While other bear species may enjoy dining on fruits, fish and other animals, Sloth bears are myrmecophagous, meaning, they find bugs and termites to be their most sought after meal! Of course, these bears too are omnivorous and also eat fruits when available, but their dentistry and physiology are perfectly formed to eat termites. These bears use their long, sharp claws to dig into insect mounds, while their thick fur prevents them from being bitten by any of these bugs. Their muzzles and the two missing front teeth act as a vacuum to suck out termites, which are their main source of protein. They also relish feasting on honey (who doesn’t!), thus claiming the name “honey bears” for themselves.

Years of evolution of the bears have culminated into the eight bear species that we see today. Out of those, Sloth bears truly are in a league of their own, in terms of their unique palate that consists of everything from dung beetles to jackfruit. They are a true enigma when it comes to their physiology and behaviour.

Another notable fact about Sloth bears is how they use scent trails to communicate. Known as pede-marking, this method of chemical communication happens when the bear uses the pedal glands on its feet to secrete certain scents. They often depict this behaviour of dragging and pressing their feet on the ground during mating season. Though these bears mostly live a solitary life, they use this technique to come together during the breeding season.

Unlike other bears that use dens for hibernation, Sloth bears do not actually hibernate. It is during the maternity period that the female bear relies on the den to give birth to its young one. The gestation period of a Sloth bear is about seven months, during which the mother bear avoids predators and finds a cave to give birth in. The male Sloth bear plays no role in raising the children who stay with their mother for about two years to learn the skills they need to survive in the wild. After this, the mature cubs go their own way.

After giving birth to the cubs, the mother bear doesn’t leave the den for almost an entire month. Afterwards, she begins to make brief trips outside for food and water, though she doesn’t wander too far. Once the cubs are slightly older and can deal with the elements of nature, they cling on to their mother’s back while she hunts and moves around. They continue to ride on their mother’s back for about nine months. Wildlife SOS has undertaken a Sloth Bear Denning Project, spanning across forest divisions of Karnataka like Tumkur, Ramnagara, Daroji and Gudekote in order to understand the biology, denning patterns and reproductive physiology of Sloth bears using advanced scientific techniques.

The ‘Dancing’ Bear Tradition

The Sloth Bear was assessed for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2016 and has been listed as ‘Vulnerable’. It is protected under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. However, 400 years ago, these bears weren’t protected under the law, and a barbaric practice was on the rise, where Sloth bears were poached from the wild for entertainment. A hot iron rod was passed through the delicate muzzles of these bears to create holes for a rope. This rope was constantly tugged to make the Sloth bears ‘dance’ in agony. The bears were mainly used to entertain emperors in the Mughal era, but later, this tradition transformed into roadside entertainment for commoners and tourists in India. Wildlife SOS has worked hard to curb this cruel practice, with support from various international organisations like International Animal Rescue, One Voice and Free The Bears, along with the cooperation of the Indian government.

The practice isn’t common anymore due to legal prohibition. Yet, Sloth bears still face threats of poaching for traditional medicine, habitat loss and a high rate of human-wildlife conflicts.

Living With Sloth Bears

Though these bears usually avoid conflict and choose to flee instead, they can be quite ferocious occasionally in order to defend themselves. They are strong enough to fight off tigers, and do not hold back if they feel that their life is under threat. A long-term goal to protect the forests and prevent habitat fragmentation is required for the safety of all wildlife species. Wildlife SOS conducts special awareness programmes for the safety of humans and bears in case any conflict scenarios arise involving Sloth bears.

This includes methods to deter any interaction with Sloth bears, but also a public service announcement on how to survive a Sloth bear attack.

You can watch the same in the video below

To support our wildlife conservation efforts, you can make a donation here! - - Save Our Soccer (SOS) mempertanyakan keputusan PSSI mengampuni sebagian terhukum yang terkait dengan kasus sepakbola gajah. Mereka meminta PSSI tak sekadar memberi pengampunan, tapi juga mengusut dalang di balik skandal sepakbola yang mencoreng sportivitas ini.

"Niat PSSI cukup baik. Mereka memberikan pengampunan kepada sejumlah pemain, pelatih dan ofisial yang terlibat sepakbola gajah agar bisa kembali mengais rezeki di sepakbola," ujar Koordinator SOS, Akmal Marhali.

"Namun, cara pengambilan putusannya sangat tidak transparan dan mengundang tanda tanya. Selain dadakan, juga tanpa proses rekonstruksi dan pengungkapan fakta sesungguhnya. Tak ada penjelasan secara gamblang kenapa sebagian mendapatkan pengampunan, sementara sebagian lagi tidak," sambungnya.

Menurut Akmal, PSSI seperti hanya menyapu lantai yang kotor, tanpa mengepelnya. Ia menilai, masih banyak debu yang tertinggal di lantai karena membersihkannya tidak total.

“PSSI harus menemukan dan mengungkap dalangnya serta memberikan hukuman seberat-beratnya. Bentuk Tim Pencari Fakta (TPF) dan rekonstruksi ulang kasus sepakbola gajah," tuturnya.

Lebih lanjut, Akmal meminta agar pengusutan skandal sepakbola gajah tak dipetieskan dan dianggap tuntas dengan adanya pengampunan bagi sejumlah pihak terhukum. Pasalnya, akan jadi preseden buruk bagi sepakbola Indonesia, jika dalang kasus ini tak diungkap.

"Jangan sampai ke depannya ada yang beranggapan sepakbola gajah itu sesuatu yang boleh. Dan, kalaupun dapat hukuman akan dengan mudah diberikan pengampunan," tandasnya.

Sebelumnya, berdasar hasil rapat Komite Eksekutif (Exco) PSSI, 10 Januari 2017, Ketua Umum PSSI, Letnan Jenderal Edy Rahmayadi, mengeluarkan Surat Keputusan bernomor 021/KEP/PK-PSSI/I/2017. Surat ini berisi Peninjauan Kembali (PK) hukuman yang dijatuhkan Komite Disiplin PSSI bernomor 213/DU/KD-PSSI/XI/2014 terkait skandal sepakbola gajah, yang melibatkan sejumlah pemain dan ofisial PSS Sleman dan PSIS Semarang.

Dalam surat ini, 23 dari 50 terhukum mendapatkan pengampunan. Dari 23 orang ini, 10 orang berasal dari PSS Sleman dan 13 orang berasal dari PSIS Semarang.

Sepuluh orang dari PSS yang diampuni adalah: Heri Kiswanto, Edi Broto, Herwin Sirajudin, Anang Hadi, Mudah Yulianto, Eko Setiawan, Ridwan Awaludin, Moniaga Bagus, Wahyu Gunawan dan Marwan Muhammad. Sementara, 13 personel dari PSIS adalah: Eko Riyadi, Setiawan Londo, Budi Cipto, Vidi Hasiholan, Syahrul Anam, Eli Nasoka, Taufik Hidayat, Andi Rohmad, Frangky, Sunar Sulaiman, Saptono, Ronald Fagundez dan Julio Alcorse.


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Primary Host 3 Belum Tersedia

Primary Host 1 Primary Host 2

Primary Host 3 Belum Tersedia